Leave the alarm and pretend its nice soft music approach.
Or the get up turn it off and get straight back into your bed approach. (I realised I actually quite enjoyed this one and had such a good sleep once I had snuggled back into bed)
And I assure I look nothing like this:
By 9 am there is some definite similarities though!!
I have also learnt to snooze my phone without as much moving my head- talent I know! So basically every morning I would max out my snoozes- and say to myself "just have a 5 minute shuteye"- wake up half an hour later and be late for work! Well on Monday I received an email after doing the above:
All staff are reminded that your start of work times are as follows:
Monday to Friday – 8.00am
Saturdays – 9.00am
This means you are expected to be at your workstation ready to start work by that time. While difficulties can be faced in getting to work incidentally it appears some staff are becoming more and more habitually late and this will not be tolerated. This will now be put on record.
Your absence from your workstation is essential and if you are tardy in this responsibility it has a negative impact on the whole team.
Please get yourself to work on time!
I urge all staff to take this memo with seriousness.
Many thanks
(Copy and pasted in)
Ok so I was like 'Oh shit- I really deserved that!'- then the mind keeps turning and somehow I end up a bit pissed off! I had discussed the long journey I have to work with my boss and he said it wasn't serious if I was late- they didn't know it was because my phone was snoozed out! So off go to confront this 'biatch', I am all pumped up and have lost some sleep over what i am going to say!
I walk in sit down and say-
"With regards to that memo- please approach me in person in fut.." (She cuts me off)
"No Bongo- that memo wasn't for you- that's why the subject read 'For you Information only"
Oh well what an ass- I thought it said that because it was only for me!!
The thing is the one morning when I thought it was for me I learnt something- because as I do I took things too far and arrived at work before 7am (OVERKILL)- but realised how nice it was to leave work an hour early! I have done it for 2 days now!!! So as a person I have turned over a new leaf! I now have a Roxette song as my alarm tone:
"I said hello you fool- I Love you!"
On top volume!
Me: 'Hello hello - whats going on??" - Get out of bed in a complete panic! "Ha ha tricked you now get up you lazy fart"
And its not all that bad- effing freezing- but so worth the extra hour in the arvy!
Happy hump day y'all!!!