Monday, June 6, 2011

Near Death- but back to life!!

You nearly lost me- it was so close in fact that I saw the light- and I am happy to say it looked bright!
How did it happen? I was in a rush- in such a rush in fact that I was packing my bag- making coffee and eating brekkie all at the same time- and this is where it happened! I opened the boiled egg and shoved a spoonful (A big one- because I was in a rush) into my mouth and swallowed................................. It was the most REVOLTING thing I have ever tasted! I started mock charging but calmed myself by stuffing Quality Streets into my mouth! It helped- or so I thought! Anyway I ended up in the doctors room trying to explain to her that I was about to die! She said I wasn't! She has no idea how I felt- just because I had no temperature and my shaking looked fake! Judgmental I say! But I did have to have an injection and I didn't even squeal/faint/cry- mainly because the nurse looked like she was quite capable of muder! So I took it like a woman, but cried like a bay when I left the doctors room!
But luckily I am what some might call a legend/hero because although I almost died in the morning I still made it to Barnyard! Well to be honest I didn't feel up to it- but I had paid a $30 for the ticket and at this stage that is a small fortune so I was going!! (It might have had something to do with the fact that I also wanted to hold hands!!) I went and conquered- not only a bottle of wine and a box of smokes! I also conquered that dance floor!! Oh wait there isn't one- so we made one- on our chairs right at the front! Not annoying at all for the whole hall of people behind us!! But we had paid $30 (A small fortune) so we couldn't give a rats to be honest!

Anyway the actual show was just brilliant! I will put some photo's up tomorrow with a whole separate blog! I have been to a few barnyards here- but this I must say came out tops! the second row is the best place to be- the sound was on a whole new level compared to the last one- and Leo from RRIIOO rocked out the hosting! So once I have got the pics I will give you a detailed account of the show and our behavior!!

The rest of the weekend I played polocrosse- if you can call it that!! I was more on the trotting around like a lost fart side of life! But at least the last game was better! I have realised one thing about myself and I think I learnt it from Lady (My horse) No commentator and crowd = No play!

Here's some stuff I found around and about:

Be me-ish! Ha ha- JOKE!!

Have a good Monday! *sigh*...... I HATE MONDAYS!!!



  1. Thanks for that Al, made me feel miles better. You are a star! Always kind and Always Awesome even when you are puking on the side of the road - which I must say must have been a lesson in awesomeness for all the other drivers on their commute 'now there goes a committed worker'

  2. Ha ha- thanks Gem! Committed worker- I like that! :) Specially seeing as I spent 90% of that day curled up on your bed! ha ha...
