Thursday, June 23, 2011

Innocent minds!

So I told you all about the Bulawayo polocrosse tournament last weekend- apparently it was brilliant for some but a few people enjoyed more than the others! The Grooms!

The grooms love these away tournaments- they get to see other places, get more money, food and of course they get to spend quality time with their shamwari's! Basically early in the morning we load up the lorries with all the kit and horses and off they go, the grooms resting on the cattle side (It scares the shit out of me I must say)- but they have smiles on their faces the whole way.
They then have the actual tournament which must be quite hard work- washing, feeding, grooming all whilst chatting and then the journey home!

On this particular weekend I fear one groom may have got a ma-ussive bonsela because his horse did exceptionally well- and as one might do, chose to buy enough beer to almost kill a lorry load of grooms! They arrive back home on Monday afternoon absolutely shitfaced! I had been horse sitting my mums other steed for the weekend so I had the honor of witnessing the shitfacedness first hand!
You know when someone just cannot operate their mouth, legs or arms- well he was like that- all whilst trying to act sober! My mother was so stressed he was going to fall under the horses feet which would have been a disaster to say the least! He didn't but he did however go into a small coma with the horse box door locked from the inside!
This may not be as funny for you as you don't know my mum- but she almost had to bang the door in before dearest Tendy came around! Just the picture of her banging that door, cheeks shaking makes me laugh out loud!

Tendy has since had his privileges taken away- and no doubt has had to deal with a killer hangover!!! But this is my favorite:

Tendy: Madam I am becoming religious. The religious guys did not even drink!

Oh the mouth of a groom! It's not like 'Madam I am going to give up drinking!' No no in this country you have to be religious to not drink!!!

Hope you had a good hump day!! I am saving my energy for the golf day tomorrow , the comedy show tomorrow night and the Barefoot Beer Fest on Saturday!

PS please don't forget to pooh before you go to the beerfest- we need to avoid toilet blockages!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my word! I'm so glad that my groom is already religious..... but I wish I'd been there to see Tendai! lol.
