Tuesday, May 17, 2011

It's been a bad day!

I wake up and I am cold- I am cold because I have to sleep with my fan on! Why? Because the frigging mozi's have evolved and can now survive in almost freezing temperatures!! I must be grateful though- the Zesa cut off right before I lost my legs to frost bite- but no Zesa means no morning coffee and smokie treat!!

This kid has nothing on what i was feeling!

So I was off to a great start and then I get into my shit box car- with no heater or fan! (But don't worry the back is carpeted- thanks goodness) To head to my dead end job where my boss believes in 'functionality' not 'stylish/awesomness'. 'Functionality' being all adverts in red and yellow! Mmmmmmmm- my favourite! I could hardly contain my excitement to embark on my 45 minute drive to work! Yipee!!
I sit in front of my computer working on some 'functional' ideas and staring at my facebook news feed in case something happens! (Ok I'm not that bad because I follow a lot of blogs which takes up some time! And chat to all my besties on Skype and Google chat). Finally 12 arrives and I can go for my meeting and get out of the hell hole!! So i go to my meeting and have a lovely Pasta salad and Creme Soda from Supreme Surf n Turf which cheered me up immensely! But somehow something always has to ruin it! For example:

  • Assholes in nice cars that got 40 in the fast lane.
  • Potholes that want to eat your car.
  • When you pick a lane in traffic and think you have hit the jackpot to find there is an effing learner at the front who keeps stalling!
  • Camouflaged speed humps- why why why- is paint that expensive people who live on roads with humps? It literally feels like the back is going to snap off my bakkie.
  • People who don't take that opportunity (The once in a while one) to cross a busy road!!
  • General idiocracy of drivers in this place!
Just in case you were wondering- yes I was born with the talent to drive and never had a problem!!!
And that's that!! I hope you are having a more inspiring day than me!!


I just found something that cheered me up a tad- at least I'm not feeling like this:

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