Tuesday, April 12, 2011

If you feel like dancing???

So that beautiful steed that I was telling you about in my last blog- she's gone to horsie heaven after 11 years of being my partner in crime and I'm devastated! So I am going to try my best to tell you about the fun I had prior to the accident but as you can imagine- my sense of funnyness is very mild at the moment.

This is what not to do if you feel like dancing!

Do not leave a perfectly good brai early to go to TJ's when you know everyone is going to Tin Roof- even if your shoes, legs and Skin tell you otherwise! You will walk in- be shocked that these children are even out- don't get a drink- get a JUG!! Now its time for a dance off with the Skin and not only do I lose but I have little children copying me- not in a good way! In a - "ha ha look at that granny dancing" kind of way! Luckily I only found out about it afterwards or else I would have sat on them or something!

So, dance off done- the DJ doesn't even know the songs that I am asking for- thats how old they are- and now we have a JUG!!!!! Brainwave- I lost the dance off- but a down down, now that I am good at!! So I won that- but walked out of there with that mouth full of warm saliva (You know the one- prior to the upchuck).... NOT COOL! But I handled it well- as I do, and off we went to Tin Roof- for the normal deboutury (SP I know- but I can't find the real spelling!). The lessons:
  • Zim men don't get fashion- as if I would wear fellies!! They are cute little boots ok!
  • Sometimes its good to take the truth option- dares can make for a bad first impression! Specially when they are cute boys. Thanks Skin
  • Men are actually more emotional than women- in love after one week? I thought that only happened in the movies!
I then had to play polocrosse- which is not easy on that bad a hangover- so I have made a rule- BEER only on tournament weekends! I lost- and I hate losing!!! So on Saturday I had a beer only night for the first time ever- and beer never tasted that good! I think it was because the dance floor was just on the ground- so breathing in dust made me sooooo thirsty that even I enjoyed beer!

Here is one of the polocrosse guys lying on the dancefloor! Just thought I would let you know what you missed out on!

For those of you who haven't been to a polocrosse party let me educate you! A polocrosse party is where you go when you want to dance, drink and act like a complete monkey- why? Because everyone there is doing the same- and you know there is always going to be someone more monkeylike than you- in this case it was My Friend with The Nice Boobs and we had a new entry- The Worm! The Pommy friend also got off to a late start but her personality shone through in the end when she rugby tackled innocent little DJ Me! In any case it was a brilliant night and I think we managed to raise about $2000 for Shan over the weekend! (Total estimation though)- so it was so worth it! I hope it helps in Shan's quick recover- I need my coach!

So another lesson that I learnt this weekend is not to miss the Party Bus! Gutted!!! Next time...

If you feel like doing something cool tonight?? Rent is on at Reps- apparently its brilliant! I haven't been to Reps in like forever- so excited


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