Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Have you paid your RENT??

Last night I went on a girlies night to Reps Theatre to watch RENT. It was so awesome- quite intense! I have so much respect for the actors/actresses there- they all have full time jobs as well as putting on these amazing performances- and if you can remember in the 'old' days at school- when it was play time it was the best time of the year! We used to miss sport, class, choir etc, and the 'mainest' part I ever got was in my house play at Peterhouse when I had to ring a bell and shout "TTTIIMMEE'. Do you know how nervous I was just to shout "TIIMMEE'- so nervous in fact I forgot to swallow my spit so had to stop half way through- 'TTTIII (Swallow) MMMEEEE'!
But my point is- even those measly productions took so much time- and these people do that and work! WTF- and then they breeze onto the stage- never forget a line- and sing like angels!
Aaaahhh speaking of angels- Angel was my favorite person in the play- he was a tranny- and he rocked the trannyness! I wept when he passed away- especially because apparently I missed one of the most important lines in the whole script- that Angel had AIDS- so when he started dying- I turned to my friend- devastated- "Whats wrong with Angel?", "Why Angel?"," Lets leave- I can't watch with no Angel!"- you should have seen me cheer when he came on with the cast at the end!!
So if you can- try go and see RENT...

These are some of my favorite moments:

  • When The Friend with the Nice Boobs burst out laughing at totally at the wrong moment! (She was laughing at the way the guy ran)
  • Watching all the old people when a white boy and black girl kissed.
  • As above but when two men were about to kiss- the faces were hilarious.
  • The street people- they were so funny! When they sang something about Santa Coming and did the actual wanking motion! My type of humor!
  • I am like a kid- I loved it when they said the ef word- made me giggle (I hid it because I am trying to be mature)
  • And I loved the fact that I was sitting behind two hotties- and then i was too shy to even look at them at interval.
Ok well have a good hump day people- I will not be going out tonight- I am going to cuddle the little dog and eat chocolate while I watch 'She's out of my League" for about the 10th time! (It gets funnier- I am going to call my kid Stainer- in the hope he turn out as funny as Stainer)

Enjoy Tin Roof!


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