Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Peewee's at Polocrosse

It is something you have to see in real life so do come to Greendal Club on the 20th and 21st of May but here's a little sneak peak:

Here we have the lead rein class- from like 3-7 year olds..

Here we have the under 11's- but there is a little 5 year old there- a real life cowboy- so presh!

The Spectators

Ok so obviously there was an insane benda as well as the peewee polocrosse (They are all wrapped up in bed by then)- but I think the benda deserves a blog all of its own! (When I have the evidence).

So back to the Peewee's:
 They line up- sticks straight up in the air, holding their breath.
The ball is in and rolling along the ground- they are off- The Leaders of the ponys fighting over the ball- which ever leader gets it puts it in the childs stick and the race begins!
They dash down the field at some pace- stop, drop the reins- grab the stick in two hands and BAMMMM into the goals!
My favourite had to be my niece- the competitive streak was revealed! Firstly there was no smiling on the field- even when the crowd errupted when she scored! It was total 100% focus! The final whistle sounded and it burst out crying!

Mum: "Child whats wrong?"
Child: "Sob Sob Sniff Sniff SCREAAMMMM"
Mum: "K well no crying on your horse so off you get"
Child: "Screaaaaaaaaammmmmm"
(Storms off.)
Me: "Child well done man- you rocked it out there" High fives all around.
Child: "Sniff sniff"
Me: "Come sit and tell me what's wrong."
Child: Squeeking "I didn't get enough goals"

I just had to laugh! She had got the most ball- due to the fact that she is too cute and her pony is the little white one in the pics! I also somehow got nominated to be the one that leads all the pony rides after the game- *sigh*! No it was too cute- they get so excited when the horse moves they just start giggling!
So if any of you have or know little kiddies that might be keen come to our next tourni!

A special thanks to Trace Beekes for all her hard work!


1 comment:

  1. So awesome! I loved it, it is amazing to see that the horse bug can bite even a 5year old. And its great to see the world cup team of 2027 playing now! Well done!
