Tuesday, April 5, 2011

In a rush much??

I rush- I rush everywhere! But on this occasion I was not rushing because I wanted to, I was rushing because I had to- I don't do being late- specially not for meetings! So there I was hurtling down Borrowdale road- shiiiit- speed trap- screech my wheels (Which is not obvious at all) and tootle innocently passed the cops! Vooooooooooooooooooommmmmm I'm off again! I get to Churchill and hook a left, and this is what i see:
 Aaaaahhhh balls!! You know sometimes you get these little cars that can actually shunt! Not this little one- not at aaalll!!!

Oh wait- this was fast for this little bugga- shortly after this he screeched his wheels for about a 5x5cm 'pothole'!
You have no idea how relived I was to reach the new round about! I undertook him- not that thats hard- he could have comfortably traveled on the cycle track!

Have a good day!


1 comment:

  1. LFL! Loving it! I feel like this most days in my life my friend!
