Monday, March 7, 2011

Have a Laugh!

Ok so let me fill you in- It did not go according to plan at all- but in any case it was still an awesome weekend! Besides the fact that I have a ceased back now and am walking around like a 90 year old!
So from the beginning- on Friday afternoon I was called to attend a Dominus Sport presentation, have some lunch and watch their new program ‘future stars’. They are doing such good work and to see those little kids playing with their ‘heroes’ was so special! But unfortunately the African sky’s opened so we had no choice but to run and hide in the Keg! Turns out it was only a quick shower but what can one do once they have ordered! So there we were KR, me plus three! It was great- we established the male versions of the more commonly used words such as bimbo, skank and tease! I think it was gym boys, cricketers and there was no equivalent of the later because men are too simple! (Or so we thought)…
As planned after this we went to Honeybear: It was amazing! There was such a nice crowd, good food and plenty of beverages- FOR FREE!!!!! I have never ever come across this type of promo in Zim - and I think from now on it should not be allowed!( They don’t put that little devil  on Brutal Fruits for nothing!) So KR and myself then decided that we had to go to TJ’s early- we had done this the week before and it was AWESOME! Well don’t do it- if you are over 20 DO NOT do iiiit! But it was all good- we danced through it and TJ’s is yet to disappoint! We literally got swept out! But please learn from my mistakes:
·         Do not touch your phone after you have been out.
·         The most unexpected people mine sweep! (Just pick up drinks)
·         The last couple of hours are not essential- it is ok to leave at 2! (I am still learning)
·         A bit of bat only makes you stronger- and act more embarrassing!
·         People have business cards with no business (Can you believe it- just a name and number)- but if you are hot you are forgiven.
As for the around the world party! What a brilliant theme! And this is what I learnt:
·         Going to JAMAICA can lead to no good! I am sure even their hamburgers were dodgy!
·         RUSSIA has the worst drinks ever; Do not play Russian Roulette- you will never win, and the vodka will kick you when you are down- which is not fun when the only single men are in Russia!! (Not that I'm into Russians- no no- but still embarrassing)
·         Mexico= TEQUILA TEQUILA TEQUILA= Heartburn Heartburn Heartburn
·         Always organize an outfit or else you end up looking like a nerd!!
On Second thought maybe Jamaica is not that bad!!! J
Other reports:
·         I did not fall off my horse- but ceased my back from hanging on.
·         Nothing beats a day with family and friends!
·         Life is so short- enjoy- but don’t forget to spend time with those closest to you!

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