I woke up on Saturday morning- I wanted to cry! I could not talk and I could hardly move my neck- and to make the day a little more magical it was the most miserable day ever recorded in Zim. (In my books anyway)…
No voice- sore neck?? Why? Well Evicted played at TJ’s- they are so so brilliant! But for some reason I thought that the louder I sang the better I sounded- and the harder I head banged whilst playing the air guitar- the more of a rock star I obviously was- but to be honest I have nothing on the Blonde Friend! JF you are a monkey person! Evicted you are AMAZING!!!!!
In any case- as we did last week we started at Honeybear! I just love that place- I think it’s my favouritest place (no 2nd behind Crossways in Hilton!) and apparently the food is awesome (the Portuguese Chicken is the front runner)- I unfortunately usually skip Friday diner and settle for some crisps or popcorn! No one likes a full stomach on a Friday! :) I clearly remember saying that it is not a good idea to go out to TJ’s too early- it was a rookie error- bad news etc! People I did it again!!! This was the last time- I am now ignoring those antsy feelings and enjoying the here and now! Anyway as always TJ’s was awesome by 12 (I think that’s little people curfew and Honeybears closing time), and like I said before Evicted rocked- they played outside on the beach- but the 'dance' dance floor was still pumping inside- so it was a 'best of both worlds' situation.
There is a NEW PLACE IN TOWN!! Tin Roof- its behind Triton Gym and apparently has a brilliant vibe- but I am yet to go but I will make a plan this week…
Well now for the personal stories! I have cut my hair off- like boy short off! I love it but this is how it went:
Al: Hi Mr Italian (Probably batted my eyelids, thinking I was extra cool)
Mr Italian: (Looks at me smiles sweetly) Al don’t worry in three weeks it would have grown a bit!
Al: (Stands in shock- usually has the quickest tongue. Walks away)
The replies I could have come up with!!!!(arrgg) But the brain was recovering from the head banging!! I was now leaving- with a very angry pixie look! And then there they were- two of the most fabulous people ever- my new BF’s! Two gay Croatian men! First of all they loved my little black number and my hair! They said I was way too stylish for zim! (Just what I needed)- and to top it off we had the same taste in men judging by the guys bums they chose to pinch! I got cheek cramp I laughed so much! These guys- Mr Short with some fabulous makeup on- pinching these Rhodies bums- the reactions were priceless! I really hope I see them again!
Mr Short: Wow these Zimbabwean men just want to drink- I have never seen people drink this much in my life!
On Saturday as tired as I was I had two places to go to- first was a Glastonbeanie party! The outfits were brilliant- I hate not being dressed up- especially when I realized how cool the theme actually was!! Crazy poms I tell you- but the ‘social butterfly’ that I am I also had to go to the Arabs housewarming which was bought to an abrupt halt when The Arab crashed The Arabs BF’s car!!! Oooopppss!! Shame- and he was just being kind by taking someone home! Sorry The Arab- you will have to have another!
Here we have THE GlastonBeanie! Gotta love the braces, little shorts but above all the wellies!!! (See Below)
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